First up is the Galina commission I've been working on...
I won't say how long it took... but suffice to say LP is a patient woman! :D

Next we have a Pipsqueak done in pastels to a nice light grulla:
I won't say how long it took... but suffice to say LP is a patient woman! :D
Next we have a Pipsqueak done in pastels to a nice light grulla:
Then his brother to a tovero likeness of a real-life mustang
named "Hooter" from McCullough Peaks (eagle marking and all!):
Up next is a Little Lonestar pencilled (yes, pencilled!) to a varnish appaloosa...
I used the renowned stallion, PD Plaudit as a reference for this guy :) :

After him comes another grulla! This one in a very dark shade of the color. This fella was referenced off a handsome grulla gelding named Merlin's Magic, and is complete with barring on his legs, ears, and shoulders, some webbing on his forehead, a dark mask, and the lighter guard hairs typical of the color. Pictures don't do this guy justice!
And last, but not least! -- Little Lonestar in a bright chestnut overo!
This guy is complete with tiny detailing in his markings and pinking on his nose!
His right eye is brown, and his left eye is blue! <3 him! :D
More pictures of ALL of these lovelies can be seen on my YahooGroups
under their respectively named photo albums.
(The Galina is under Finished Works, if you are interested in seeing more of her).
You can join my YahooGroups by following this link (I hope!):
I will also be updating my website with some pictures soon!
As always, thanks for looking! :D
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