I'm trying to keep up with my Blog, so here goes:
I've got good news and I've got bad new. First, the bad news: Work in the studio has slowed a bit this past month, unfortunately, because of tests and work requiring more of my time and undivided attention. So, I am not as prepared as I would like to be, and I have not completed as many overdue models as I would like.
The good news is, I don't have tests next week, so this weekend I can really crack down and get busy on some models! I have managed to complete my past due donation models, so that's a huge relief. Now I really need to focus on a couple of customer models so they can come with me to Cajun Country Live next weekend and then find their ways home to their owners. :D It's looking good, so far, that that goal will be achievable! So, I'm excited about that!
In sales news, I have a Finnegan and Mini Ziryab up for sale, and a couple of "in the wings" models that will hopefully appear in December or early in the upcoming year. I may also be taking on a couple of new commissions, and hopefully those pieces will be finished before the start of 2012, if I can keep busy over the Christmas break!
I think that about covers it! I should be posting pictures from the show after next weekend :D
Wish me luck!