..Not really... But it may seem that way every now and then, LOL!
If you stumbled upon this blog unintentionally, then I suppose it is best if I introduce myself.
My name is Sara Bercier, and I am a 20 year old (soon-to-be) veterinary student in the upcoming class for 2013 at LSU SVM. I have a three year old cat, Tete Fi, who runs the house, a two year old cocaktiel named Zuki who runs my room/studio, a Beta fish named Hikuro, a chocolate Labrador named Sam, and a five-year old Paint mare named Valentine.

This is her to the right... I think (still working out the blog...) :D
She's my pretty, stubborn, sweetheart, and I love her dearly.
You'll be hearing about them often, I imagine, if you stick around to see what's happening in my cluttered little world. :)
The main purpose of this blog, however, will be to keep you up-to-date with the happenings in my artistic stuio - dubbed "RockingShip Studio." .. If you are curious about the name, it is derived from my, rather eccentric, grandmother's belief that our last name of "Bercier" means "rocking ship" in some language... Not terribly sure I believe it, but it's an intriguing idea - and thus the name stuck. :P
Hopefully, I will be able to control my thoughts long enough to be straightforward and as unconfusing as possible so that I may update customers about commissions I have in the works, as well as other projects, customizations, originals, 2-D artwork, etc. that may be on my table.
Let's see... a little bit more about myself....
I learned to love horses at the tender age of 5, though *I* am convinced I was born thoroughly infatuated with horses and other animals in general. I learned to ride, after pestering my parents endlessly for months without any sign of stopping, when I was eleven. Horses have physically been part of my life ever since.
Model horses clutter my room with their attitude, charisma, and charm -- and I am the only one in my family who does not find it slightly creepy that hundreds of pairs of eyes, painted and blank, stare down at me from shadowed crevices in the night. :D
The typical Barbie horses and Wal-Mart brand Breyers were my first ponies, but it was only two years ago, in the summer of 2007, that I truly discovered the vastness of the model horse world... including the bane of my pocketbook, but the delight of my artistic soul: Artist Resins.
Thus the painting, customizing, and sculpting rushed through my mind, into my fingers, onto the unfortunate victims of plastic with their endless possibilities!
Other than the models -- I am an avid reader and writer and am currently working on a novel or two that I hope to have published before I am old and gray. :D But with the way my life works -- so much to do, so little time!!!! -- I am uncertain whether that will happen for me or not. I suppose we shall see, ne?
Well, I do believe that is enough of an introduction! (Sheesh!!! Ya think? LOL)
Allow me to personally thank you all, again, for your interest in me and my work - and welcome to my world! :D Enjoy your stay!